Roaming spores and running sores and scorching fever. Score a pill to maybe
ease the pain. But there's more to come. The thunder's in your brain, the
lightning dances. Stars explode and spit. A foaming fit, stuck in a lift.
Press "ground floor", but IT RISES! Bursts the ceiling, peeling clouds
and fleeing for the sun where maybe there's just a little peace. Oh please
God... Just a little peace. A small release, an anaesthetic - this headache's driving me insane!
1.Go Ask Alice
2.This Could Be the End
3.Fifteen Flies in the Marmalade
4.Echo Police
5.Gorgon Zola's Baby
6.Femme Mirage
7.The Hill
9.So Gallantly Screaming
11.I Am the Way, The Truth, The Light
13.A Message from Our Sponsor
14.Golden Dawn
15.The Last Straw