A Cold Cold Christmas -Stephen Colbert
I want a cold cold Christmas
I hope it's 20below
Let a winter's storm bury all that's warm
In a bone chilling blanket of snow
Thought you would love me forever
Turns out you wanted to part
Now I want a cold cold Christmas
To go with your cold cold heart
Oh I want a cold cold Christmas
One that's bitter and barren and bleak
Where the weather's fowl
And the West wind's howl
And the sun doesn't shine for a week
You hung up my heart like a stocking
Then went and stuffed it with coal
Now I want a cold cold Christmas
To gnaw at the depths of your soul
I'll be alone this Christmas
You'd think it would cut like a knife
But I'm numb inside
Cause a part of me's died
From the frostbite you've spread on my life
Darling Christmas with you
I used to love it so
We trade presents
And kiss beneath the mistletoe
I said I loved you and
You said you loved me too
I said I loved you
And you said you loved me too
Those days are over now but
I still want you to know
Even though I'm not the one
You'll be kissing beneath that mistletoe
I'll be thinking of you every minute
On this day of love and cheer
And every minute
Of every other day of the year
I'm serious
So cold that it pierces your body
So cold that it hurts every breath
In fact I wouldn't mind
If you woke up to find
Your new man had frozen to death
So go have a cold cold Christmas
A blustery landscape of pain
Though I'm warm in my skin
I'm still snowed in
By the blizzard that fell in my brain
Only a week until New Year
That's when I'll make a new start
But first comes a cold cold Christmas
To go with your cold cold heart
Your frozen
1.Another Christmas Song
2.Have I Got A Present For You
3.Please Be Patient
4.Little Dealer Boy
5.Can I Interest You In Hannukah?
7.(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding?
8.There Are Much Worse Things To Believe In
9.A Cold, Cold Christmas