Melodie,girl,look what you did Melodie
姑娘好 本事真不小
You're on the teaching staff and you're great with kids
既为人师表 又童心不老
You're caring and you're sensitive
善良又细致 心思还纤巧
But you just don't turn me on like Shelly
但要论激情 Shelly才是宝
Shelly,girl,you're irresistible Shelly
姑娘好 戒都戒不了
You're talented and you rock my world
你才华四溢 我为之倾倒
You're just like me except you are a girl
简直我翻版 就是不带把儿
But you've got no self-esteem like Gwen does
但和Gwen比 自尊先找找
Gwen,Gwen,you're in my head Gwen
女王好 深镌我大脑
I remember every word you said
所言皆在耳 一句都不好
And the time you chained me to my bed
如果哪一天 你们要实战
I just can't choose between
面临三选一 真是要完蛋
I don't know how I'll carry on
未来路漫漫 我该怎么办
You're all perfect except for one thing wrong
每个都完美 唯独一期盼
If I could only roll you in to one
若能三合一 此生便无憾
I guess I'll have to **** you all
想来又想去 全都干一干
I love you each despite your flaws
你们我都爱 不管好或坏
I'll be the man you each adore
我只能负责 让你们崇拜
It's the only way it can work for sure
要说这办法 确实还不赖
There's enough of me to spread round and round and round
我足够屌 你们爱不停
1.No Survivors
2.I Love Love You (feat. Elliot Speller-Gillott)
3.Gwen (Do You Remember When?)
4.I Like Like You (feat. Elliot Speller-Gillott)
5.Love Rant [Dialogue]
6.You're In Love [Dialogue]
7.Favourite Uncle [Dialogue]
9.Be Yourself [Dialogue]
10.You’re Perfect
12.Across the Room [Dialogue]
14.Writers Block Medley
15.Boy Who Cried Wolf [Dialogue]
16.I’m Back
17.Invisibility [Dialogue]
18.Last Place Hero (feat. Sydney Rae White)
19.7 Minutes In Heaven (feat. Elliot Speller-Gillott)
20.Fight For the Future
21.No survivors (Instrumental) (Bonus)