Drinking in the morning sun
晨日渐出 醉饮清晨
Blinking in the morning sun
晨曦渐现 睁开睡眼
Shaking off the heavy one
抛开重负 摒弃一切
Oh, heavy like a loaded gun
负担沉沉 如枪上膛
What made me behave that way
Using words I never say
I can only think it must be love
我已认定 这一定就是所谓的爱情
Oh anyway, it's looking like a beautiful day
无论如何 这看起来是美丽的一天
Someone tell me how I feel
有人问我 我此时此刻是何种感受
It's silly wrong, but vivid right
奇怪的感觉 但又如此真实
Oh, kiss me like the final meal
哦请亲吻我 仿佛马上赴亡
Yeah, kiss me like we die tonight
请你亲吻我 宛如最后一餐
'Cause holy cow, I love your eyes
明丽如神圣的牛啊 我爱上了你的明眸
And only now I see the light
而只有你在 我才看见光
Yeah, lying with me half awake
就请依偎我 躺在我身边
Oh, anyway, it's looking like a beautiful day
哦反正无论怎么样 这真是美好的一天
When my face is chamois creased
当我苍老 面容消瘦
If you think I wink, I did
眉宇相视 脉脉含情
Oh, kiss me when my lips are thin
唇已枯瘦 也请吻我
'Cause holy cow, I love your eyes
亮如圣牛 爱你深遂含情的眼
And only now I see the light
仅仅现在 我发现你已然喜欢
Yeah, lying with you half awake
躺入我怀 半夜依偎在我身边
Stumbling over what to say
惊慌失措 此景无法言语形容
Well, anyway, it's looking like a beautiful day
无论如何 这真是美丽的一天
So throw those curtains wide
拉开窗帘 金色阳光洒满房间
One day like this a year would see me right
每天如此 幸福着一年又一年
Throw those curtains wide
拉开窗帘 金色阳光洒满房间
One day like this a year would see me right
每天如此 幸福着一年又一年
1.We Will Rock You
2.Wish You Were Here
3.Price Tag/Written In the Star
4.Salut D'Amour
5.Read All About It
6.Running Up That Hill
7.West End Girls
8.Waterloo Sunset
9.I Am the Walrus
11.Rule the World
12.Extinguishing the Flame
13.Always Look On the Bright Side
14.One Day Like This
15.Parade of the Athletes
16.Right Here, Right Now (Excerpt)
17.The Rockafeller Skank (Excerpt)
19.Our House (Re-Recorded)
20.Parklife (Excerpt)
21.Open Arms
22.Here Comes the Sun
23.Medal Ceremony
24.Bohemian Rhapsody (Excerpt)
25.White Light
26.Pinball Wizard
28.Little Bird
29.Pure Imagination
30.You Should Be Dancing
31.Wannabe/Spice Up Your Life
33.Queen Medley/Day-O/Brighton
34.Olympic Anthem
35.Spirit of the Flame
36.Baba O'Riley (Edited Version)
37.See Me, Feel Me (Edited Version)
38.My Generation (Excerpt)