In 1649
To St. George's Hill
A ragged band they called the Diggers
Came to show the people's will
They defied the landlords
They defied the laws
They were the dispossessed
Reclaiming what was theirs
"We come in peace," they said
"To dig and sow
We come to work the lands in common
And to make the waste grounds grow
This earth divided
We will make whole
So it will be
A common treasury for all
The sin of property
We do disdain
No man has any right to buy and sell
The earth for private gain
By theft and murder
They took the land
Now everywhere the walls
Spring up at their command
They make the laws
To chain us well
The clergy dazzle us with heaven
Or they damn us into hell
We will not worship
The God they serve
The God of greed who feeds the rich
While poor men starve
We work we eat together
We need no swords
We will not bow to the masters
Or pay rent to the lords
We are free men
Though we are poor
You Diggers all stand up for glory
Stand up now"
From the men of property
The orders came
They sent the hired men and troopers
To wipe out the Diggers' claim
Tear down their cottages
Destroy their corn
They were dispersed
But still the vision lingers on
You poor take courage
You rich take care
This earth was made a common treasury
For everyone to share
All things in common
All people one
We come in peace
The orders came to cut them down
1.There Is Power in a Union
2.Levi Stubbs' Tears
3.The World Turned Upside Down
4.The Space Race Is Over
5.She's Got a New Spell
6.St. Swithin's Day
7.A Lover Sings
8.The Saturday Boy
9.Between the Wars
10.Walk Away Renee (Version)
11.Greetings to the New Brunette
12.The Warmest Room
13.Must I Paint You a Picture
14.The Price I Pay
15.Valentine's Day Is Over
16.Waiting for the Great Leap Forwar
17.The Boy Done Good
19.Cindy of a Thousand Lives
20.Moving the Goalposts
21.Tank Park Salute
22.You Woke Up My Neighbourhood
23.Accident Waiting to Happen (Red Star Version)
25.The Fourteenth of February
26.St. Monday
27.Take Down the Union Jack (Band Version)
31.Some Days I See the Point
32.A New England
33.To Have and to Have Not
34.The Man in the Iron Mask
35.The Milkman of Human Kindness