Blue velvet America
Half glimpsed in the headlights between the trees
Who punctured the beauty
And invited monsters such as these
The pig faced boy, the corrupted clown
The grotesque figure who never comes into town
Something broken, something stained
Something waiting for the worms to claim
And you can never go there again
Except in nightmares
The voyeur who dares not come near
Knows excitement is merely the beginning of fear
My shadow came this morning
And left some candy in my shoe
They're always watching me
Watching the things I do
Cindy of a thousand lives
Cindy of the Stepford Wives
I've looked at all the photographs
But Cindy, which one of them was you?
1.There Is Power in a Union
2.Levi Stubbs' Tears
3.The World Turned Upside Down
4.The Space Race Is Over
5.She's Got a New Spell
6.St. Swithin's Day
7.A Lover Sings
8.The Saturday Boy
9.Between the Wars
10.Walk Away Renee (Version)
11.Greetings to the New Brunette
12.The Warmest Room
13.Must I Paint You a Picture
14.The Price I Pay
15.Valentine's Day Is Over
16.Waiting for the Great Leap Forwar
17.The Boy Done Good
19.Cindy of a Thousand Lives
20.Moving the Goalposts
21.Tank Park Salute
22.You Woke Up My Neighbourhood
23.Accident Waiting to Happen (Red Star Version)
25.The Fourteenth of February
26.St. Monday
27.Take Down the Union Jack (Band Version)
31.Some Days I See the Point
32.A New England
33.To Have and to Have Not
34.The Man in the Iron Mask
35.The Milkman of Human Kindness