i turned sixteen and cut off all my hair
始入二八 我剪去满头美丽的长发
to stop the eyes that followed me everywhere
i am a child, i am a child, i am a child, i am
我只是一个孩子 一个孩子 一个孩子 我只是
pull out teeth with my bare hands
but our love is just novelty, we'll take what we can get
可叹我们的爱始于新鲜 最后却各取所需
holding on to the shore as the tide came in
潮水将至 你在岸旁却固执不愿离开
my blood is toxic, my blood is thin
dripping down beneath my translucent skin
它从我微微透明的皮肤下渗出 一滴滴落下
i am a child, i am a child, i am a child, i am
我只是一个孩子 一个孩子 一个孩子 我只是
forget my pills, fall asleep in class again
没有服药 课堂之上我再次跌入沉沉梦境
the tv's on, it's screaming at me and i don't know what to do
电视在开着 画面里的嘈杂声音好像是它在朝我吼叫 令我惊恐 手足无措
my arms are broken, i'm lying on the floor
胳膊断了 我脸色苍白虚弱地躺着地板上
you're all i think of anymore
此时此刻 迷蒙的眼睛里出现你的幻影