You are the only one that I can rest my head upon
I know a sense of weightlessness; the breath is falling from my chest
我熟知失重感 呼吸从我的胸膛失落了
And I will spend a lifetime playing catch you if I can
If you get too far ahead, I’ll be the one that’s being led
要是你跑得太远 我就一直跟着你
Cause I’m gonna run when you call
当你大声呼喊 我会跑向你
And I won’t rest ‘til I fall
我不会歇息 直到跌倒
From the top of the hill to the bottom of a canyon
I wanna be your companion
我是一颗破碎的心 将其扯成碎片的
I was just a broken heart, was tattered up and torn apart
是之前经过的情人 而你打开了门
By lovers who would come before, you just opened up the door
光明涌进 我的心恢复跳动
And now the light is shining in, my heart is racing once again
而你 我永远的朋友 我会跟着你直到地老天荒
And you my eternal friend, I’ll follow you until the end
当你大声呼喊 我就会跑向你
Cause I’m gonna run when you call
我不会歇息 直到跌落
And I won’t rest ‘til I fall
From the top of the hill to the bottom of a canyon
I wanna be your companion
他们说一加一等于二(你对我这样好 整夜整夜)
They say one and one makes two(do me right, do me right, all night long)
亲爱的 若我请求你(对我好 别伤害我)
So darling, I’m asking you(do me right, do me right, never do me wrong)
你会答应吗(对我好 整夜整夜)
Do you wanna be?(do me right, do me right, all night long)
你看到你正和我在一起吗(对我好 别伤害我)
Oh can you see yourself with me?(do me right, do me right, never do me wrong)
(对我好 整夜整夜)
(do me right, do me right, all night long)
整夜 我都会对你好(对我好 别伤害我)
All night, cause I’ll do you right(do me right, do me right, never do me wrong)
整夜 我都不会让你难过(对我好 整夜整夜)
All night, and I’ll never do you wrong(do me right, do me right, all night long)
Cause I wanna be
成为你的伴侣啊(好好对我 别伤害我)
Gonna be your companion(do me right, do me right, never do me wrong)
我要成为你的伴侣(对我好 整夜整夜)
Gotta be your companion(do me right, do me right, all night long)
(好好对我 别伤害我)
(do me right, do me right, never do me wrong)
Be my companion
1.Send the Sun
2.Forever Lasts Forever
3.Muddy Waters
4.Foolish Heart
7.Lay You Down
8.Highway Queen
9.Big Mouth
10.700,000 Rednecks