Searching for sunlight, there in your room
在阁室间 遍寻日光
Trolling for one light, there in the gloom
于暗黑中 觅一盏灯
You dream of a better day, alone with the moon
梦寐以求一个美好未来 与月相伴
万般皆是虚无 在坟墓里
All things are nothing, there in your tomb
万般过眼成空 末日已定
All things are nothing, assured is your doom
梦寐以求一个美好未来 与月相伴
You dream of a better day, alone with the moon
欢声与笑语 皆瞬息即逝
遗忘的记忆 失落的旋律
The laughing and joking, they all end too soon
梦寐以求一个美好未来 与月相伴
Forgotten memories, forgotten tunes
理想之日 近在咫尺
You dream of a better day, alone with the moon
与月相伴 与月相伴
与月相伴 与月相伴
That day, it's coming soon
与月相伴 与月相伴
Alone with the moon, Alone with the moon
Alone with the moon, Alone with the moon
Alone with the moon, Alone with the moon
1.Alone with the Moon
2.A Quiet Life
4.What If ...?
5.Nur Zur Erinnerung
7.Still Smiling
8.Come up and See Me
9.Mi Scusi
11.Konjunktiv II