I'm singin' in the rain, just singin' in the rain
我在雨中歌唱 就在这雨中歌唱
What a glorious feelin', I'm happy again
这感觉是多么的美好 哦 我又重获笑颜
I'm laughin' at clouds, so dark up above
我嘲笑那些乌云 如此阴暗遮住了天空
The sun's in my heart and I'm ready for love
可是太阳就在我的心里 我已准备好去爱
Let the stormy clouds chase everyone from the place
就让暴风雨把乌云赶走吧 就让每个人都从住处
Come on with the rain, I've a smile on my face
跟着我到这雨中来 我脸上尽是微笑
I walk down the lane with a happy refrain
我要沿着车道走下去 还要唱着欢乐的歌
Just singin', singin' in the rain,
就这么歌唱 在雨中歌唱
dancin' in the rain...
I am happy again
I am singin' and dancin' in the rain
I'm dancin' and singin' in the rain
1.Singin' In The Rain
2.Finale (Singin' In The Rain)
3.You Were Meant For Me
4.Singin' In The Rain (In A-Flat) [Extended Version]
5.Beautiful Girl
6.Good Morning
7.Make 'Em Laugh
8.You Are My Lucky Star (Outtake)
9.Broadway Melody Ballet (Extended Version)
10.Would You?
11.All I Do Is Dream Of You (Outtake)
12.All I Do Is Dream of You
13.Singin' In The Rain (Radio Broadcast)
14.Fit As A Fiddle (And Ready For Love)
15.Beautiful Girl Montage
16.Main Title (Singin' In The Rain)
18.Stunt Montage (Extended Version)
19.First Silent Picture (Extended Version)
20.Tango (Temptation)
21.Gene Dreams Of Kathy
23.From Dueling To Dancing
24.Would You? (End Title)
25.Would You? (Unused Version)
26.Have Lunch With Me
27.Good Night, Kathy
28.The Stage Is Set
29.Beautiful Girl (Alternate Version) [Tempo Track]
30.Main Title (Singin' In The Rain) [Alternate Version]