The rest of the pack are calling. They've made a kill in the forest and this is an invitation to join in the meal. The impala is in luck. A pack this size kills once a day and everything is shared. And this impala is reprieved. The elephants are nearing the end of their long journey. After weeks of marching they're desperately tired. The matriarch can smell water and encourages the herd to make one last effort. The youngsters are exhausted but their mothers have made this journey before and they know that they're close to water. After many hundreds of miles they've arrived. The lives of these elephants are dominated by the annual rhythm of wet and dry - a seasonal cycle created by the sun.
其它猎狗在叫唤。它们已经在森林里捕到了猎物,这是呼唤大家去分享。这只黑斑羚是一个幸运儿。这么大的猎狗群一天只捕猎一次,所有猎物都是共享。这只黑斑羚躲过一劫。 大象的长途旅程快结束了。经过数周的旅行,它们已十分疲劳。领头象已经闻到了水的气息,鼓励象群做最后的努力。小象们已经精疲力竭,但它们的妈妈已经有过这样的经历,知道它们离水已经不远了。经过数百公里的行程,它们终于到达了目的地。这些大象的生命被太阳引起的一年一度的雨季和旱季节律主宰着。
1.冰雪世界 1
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26.富饶丛林 1
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45.沙漠 1
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70.洞穴 1
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95.淡水 01
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134.两极之间 1
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152.雄伟高山 01
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