Forming a defensive ring around their calves the adults present a barricade
[length: 01:00.604]
that few hunters could breach
[tool: 歌词滚动姬 https://lrc-maker.github.io]
But the wolves need not risk injury today
A calf has been left behind in the panic
With each passing day the sun climbs higher in the sky
and its rays strike the Arctic more directly
It's spring and new life stirs
The polar bear cubs emerge from the den in which they were born
Their mother stretches her legs after five months under the snow
They're just two months old and instinctively follow her lead
A steep slope makes the best site for a den but it's a tricky place to take your first steps
1.冰雪世界 1
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26.富饶丛林 1
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45.沙漠 1
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70.洞穴 1
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134.两极之间 1
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