The climbers' strategy looks chaotic but there's method in their madness. Their growing tips circle like lassoes, searching out anchors for their spindly stems. They put coils in their tendrils so that if their support moves, they will stretch and not snap. But the frontrunners at this stage, the first to fill the clearing, are pioneers like the macarangas. Their immense leaves capture huge amounts of sunlight, so fuelling their growth. As a result the macarangas grow a remarkable eight metres a year surging ahead of almost all their rivals. In the race for the top spot hundreds will start yet few will ever reach the finishing line, their growth cut short by the diminishing light.
1.冰雪世界 1
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26.富饶丛林 1
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45.沙漠 1
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70.洞穴 1
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95.淡水 01
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134.两极之间 1
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152.雄伟高山 01
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