编曲 : hazed date
if overthinking is a competition 如果“想太多”能成为一项比赛
I'd be awarded by most nominations 我一定会赢得它的冠军
til you talk to me 直到你跟我开口说话
put out the fire on me 浇灭我身上的熊熊烈火
and set me free 释放我自由
if every piece of word is like running water 如果每一个词句都像泼出去的水
the flood of my emotion's slowly taking over 那么我即将被我汹涌的情感淹没
all my sanity 我会丧失所有理智
trying their best to drown you with gravity 努力不要把你拖下水去
two sagittarius i know our words cut better than our archers 两个射手座彼此相遇 我知道我们的言语都比我们的弓箭更加锋利
but if my mama asks i think I'd rather lie and say "i loved her" 但是如果我妈妈问起 我可能还是会说“我曾爱过她”
if i just killed you with my loaded gun that night 如果我那天夜里就用上膛的枪终结你的生命
would you still be able to come into my dream town 你是否还会潜进我的梦里
all the time 长此以往
and leave your shadows on my pillow case 把你的影子的痕迹留在我的枕头上
if i can scream like all the air in my lungs is out 如果我能把我肺里所有的空气全部呼喊出来
and try to kill myself with smoke in my throat 用我喉中的烟来结束这一切
don't you dare 你还敢吗
don't you dare telling me that i am wrong 你可否敢告诉我我关于一切有错误的判断
two sagittarius i know our words cut better than our archers 两个射手座彼此相遇 我知道我们的言语都比我们的弓箭更加锋利
but if my mama asks i think I'd rather lie and say "i loved her" 但是如果我妈妈问起 我可能还是会说“我曾爱过她”
you're laughing through the walls I'm gonna shut my ears by singing louder 我透过墙听到你在隔壁的笑声 我只能通过唱的更大声来屏蔽你的声音
if i cry giving in none of this make you a winner 如果我哭着说放弃 也不代表你赢了这场战争
2.[don't read the lyrics]
3.none of my last words
5.two sagi
6.regret town