编曲 : hazed date
somehow it ended faster than it started 不知为何一切结束的比开始的更快
is it always the case 一直都是这样吗
or is it just our fates playing games with us 还是只是命运在捉弄我们
like a pile of leaves burned down 一切付之一炬
all in a blink of an eye 眨眼之间就全部消失
never thought I'd fall so fast 从没想过我会如此快速陷入感情
never thought I'd run so fast from it either 也从没想过我会如此快速逃离这段感情的一切
and now i walk pass your street, everyday 而现在我每天走过你楼下的街道
do i go to your door and see your face 我该走到你门前见你吗
or put up middle fingers for the song you wasted 还是为那些你浪费了的歌曲朝你竖起中指
oh they're never the same 因为它们永远也不会再给我一样的感觉
how can we be the same 我们也永远不再相同
tell me your dreams and make them mine 告诉我你的梦想并且让我也成为一部分
do i deserve a chance to make our plans real 我是否值得你去努力实现它们
or they're just some random bullshit you bring up 还是它们只是你无聊的时候随口提起的谎言
cus you feel like so? 只是因为你感觉你能这样说
first love, it never lasts 他们说第一段感情永远都不会长久
but you took it from me and threw it away 所以你就把这样珍贵的体验从我这里夺走
like it was nothing 并弃之如敝屣
like you were something 仿佛你又是什么人物
and now your shadow's free rent 而我现在会在每一个人身上
living in every person i see 看到你的脸庞
now i walk pass your street, everyday 而现在我每天走过你楼下的街道
do i go to your door and see your face 我该走到你门前见你吗
or put up middle fingers for the song you wasted 还是为那些你浪费了的歌曲朝你竖起中指
and now i shut up my mouth, everytime 而我现在每次有话想说的时候
when i should have the right to say my mind 都会咬紧牙关
oh the thoughts were unwelcomed by you 只因为我觉得你并不想了解这些想法
so they got wasted 所以这一切都被你浪费
like we all got wasted 一切都付诸东流
like we all got wasted 一切都付诸东流
like we all got wasted 一切都付诸东流
no i know better 我更清楚这一切
i know what i want 我知道我想要什么
and i know that you're the one who 我也知道你是那个
doesn't know what she wants 不清楚自己想要什么的人
it's not me 不是我的问题
what you want is not me 而我也不是你想要的人
so i got wasted 一切都付诸东流
we got wasted 我的感情也付诸东流
now i shut up my mouth, everytime 而我现在每次有话想说的时候
when i should have the right to say my mind 都会咬紧牙关
oh the thoughts were unwelcomed by you 只因为我觉得你并不想了解这些想法
so they got wasted 所以这一切都被你浪费
like we all got wasted 一切都付诸东流
2.[don't read the lyrics]
3.none of my last words
5.two sagi
6.regret town