编曲 : hazed date
don't know if it's ok to say this 不知道这样说是否合适
cus i dreamt of you in my dreams last night 因为我昨晚又梦到你了
you were upstage in your little black dress 你在台上表演 穿着你的小黑裙
that i liked so much 我真的好喜欢
i couldn't get you out of my sight 我只能目不转睛的看着你
oh miss lucy 哦Lucy
your talk is so sweet and so gentle 在梦里你讲话如此甜蜜温柔
and you held my hand i bit my tongue twice 你牵着我的手 我咬了两次舌头
i counted four times and you're still here 一次 两次 三次 四次 而你还在我面前
thought this must be my dream 这一定是一场梦境吧
turned out it was 事实证明 确实
oh miss lucy 哦Lucy
oh you touched my hands 你轻触我的手背
whispered me some words 低喃着一些词句
i couldn't really understand 但我没有理解你在说什么
was the wind too strong 是因为风太大了吗
did you talk too fast 还是因为你说的太快
or was it my absent minds 还是我走神了是一切的原罪
the rest of the world is on fire 这个世界如此悲苦
extremists shooting innocent people 极端主义者们屠杀着无辜的平民
animals running out of their habitats 动物被赶出自己的栖息地
how can we still stay behind 我们又怎么能躲在一切的背后呢
the blindfolds that cut off the soring eyes 试图用百叶窗遮挡住疲惫的视线 来忘记正在发生的糟糕的一切
but i just wanna hold your hand 而我只想牵过你的手
for the rest of the night 在这余下的一晚
oh miss lucy 哦Lucy
hope im not oversharing again 我希望我没有在对你过度分享一切
you know i do that to everybody i know 你知道的我对我认识的所有人都这样做
something tells me you could really listen 而我总有种感觉 你真的会听我分享的所有
and you would even say you feel related 你甚至可能会说你感同身受
i feel my face burning when talking about you 我感觉我谈及你的时候面颊像着了火
21 how can i still feel like a kid 我都21岁了为什么还像个孩子
think I'll ink my skin with the lines from your lyrics 我可能会把你的歌词纹在身上
oh miss lucy 哦Lucy
oh you touched my face 你轻触我的面庞
with your soft and warm hands 你的手掌柔软又温暖
i couldn't really breathe this time 我仿佛已经不能呼吸
was your perfume too strong 是因为你的香水太浓烈了吗
was my bumping heart 还是我心跳太快了
or was it my absent minds 还是我走神了是一切的原罪
the rest of the world is on fire 这个世界如此悲苦
forests turn into ashes and smoke 熊熊烈火把森林烧成灰烬
women out of their office and classrooms 女人们被赶出办公室和课堂
how can we still stay behind 我们又怎么能躲在一切的背后呢
the blindfolds that cut off the soring eyes 试图用百叶窗遮挡住疲惫的视线 来忘记正在发生的糟糕的一切
but i just wanna hold your hand 而我只想牵过你的手
for the rest of the night 在这余下的一晚
2.[don't read the lyrics]
3.none of my last words
5.two sagi
6.regret town