Please Forgive Us

Mercy, mercy, why didn't we hear it?
Mercy, mercy, why did we read it
Buried on the last page of our morning papers?
The plan was drafted, drafted in secret
Gunboats met the red tide
Driven to the rum trade for the army that they created
But the bullets were bought by us, it was dollars that paid them
Please forgive us, we don't know what was done
Please forgive us, we don't know what was done in our name
There'll be more trials like this in mercenary hey days
When they're so apt to wrap themselves up in the stripes and stars
And find that they are able to call themselves heroes
And to justify murder by their fighters for freedom
Please forgive us, we don't know what was done
Please forgive us, we didn't know
Could you ever forgive us? I don't know how you could
I know this is no consolation
Please forgive us, we don't know what was done
Please forgive us, we didn't know
Could you ever believe that we didn't know?
Please forgive us, we didn't know
I wouldn't blame you if you never could
Please forgive us, we didn't know
I wouldn't blame you if you never could
Please forgive us
And you never will
1.Hey Jack Kerouac
2.These Are Days
3.Trouble Me
4.Like The Weather
5.How You've Grown
6.Cherry Tree
7.My Sister Rose
8.Verdi Cries
9.What's The Matter Here?
10.The Painted Desert
11.Don't Talk
12.Peace Train
13.Gun Shy
14.A Campfire Song
15.City Of Angels
16.I'm Not The Man
17.Noah's Dove
19.Few And Far Between
20.Stockton Gala Days
21.Gold Rush Brides
23.Candy Everybody Wants
25.Circle Dream
26.If You Intend
27.Eat for Two
28.Please Forgive Us
29.The Big Parade
30.You Happy Puppet
32.Poison In The Well
33.Dust Bowl
34.Hateful Hate
36.The Lion's Share