I always knew that you would, take yourself far from home
As soon as, as far as you could go
By the quarter inch cut of your hair, and the army issue green
For the past eight weeks I can tell where you've been
For I knew, I could see, it was all cut and dried to me
There was soldier's blue blood streamin' inside your veins
There is a world outside of this room, and when you meet it promise me
You won't meet it with your gun
So now you are one, of the brave few
It's awful sad we need boys like you
I hope the day never comes for
Here's your live round son
Stock and barrel, safety, trigger, here's your gun
Well I knew, I could see, it was all cut and dried to me
There was soldiers blue blood streamin' inside your veins
There is a world outside of this room, and when you meet it promise me
You won't meet it with your gun takin' aim
For I don't mean to argue, they've made a decent boy of you
And I don't mean to spoil your home comin'
But baby brother you should expect me to
Stock and barrel, safety, trigger, here's your gun
So now does your heart, pitter pat with a patriotic song
When you see the stripes of old glory waving?
Well I knew, I could see, it was all cut and dried to me
There was soldier's blue blood streamin' inside your veins
There is a world outside of this room and when you meet it promise me
You won't meet it with your gun takin' aim
I don't mean to argue, they've made a decent boy of you
And I don't mean to spoil your homecomin' my baby brother Jude
And I don't mean to hurt you by saying this again
They're so good at making soldiers
But they're not as good at making men
1.Hey Jack Kerouac
2.These Are Days
3.Trouble Me
4.Like The Weather
5.How You've Grown
6.Cherry Tree
7.My Sister Rose
8.Verdi Cries
9.What's The Matter Here?
10.The Painted Desert
11.Don't Talk
12.Peace Train
13.Gun Shy
14.A Campfire Song
15.City Of Angels
16.I'm Not The Man
17.Noah's Dove
19.Few And Far Between
20.Stockton Gala Days
21.Gold Rush Brides
23.Candy Everybody Wants
25.Circle Dream
26.If You Intend
27.Eat for Two
28.Please Forgive Us
29.The Big Parade
30.You Happy Puppet
32.Poison In The Well
33.Dust Bowl
34.Hateful Hate
36.The Lion's Share