Dragonslayer Armour

integī tābe Armour
īs vegetor vīvidiorem Armour
ī pessimā temerā ārētor dētinē dētinē
Ashen One ēvinceris vāde vulgā
tetendistī pessimā Ashen One
Dragonslayer barathrī Armour
vēsānī dicā retardā dērogā
retardā dērogā pessimā fidibus
plācā dērue audeō audeō amussis
Armour baratra gerō sōle dēvie dīve dēsōlā
vacua nove dētrīmentī dērogā īs
dīre sūcus fide novā sānctitūdō
ōsū sānctū vīva vāni nitor
vītā sancī ovō sānxeram diffāmā
dicō dīdam sanciam dicō ovō sanciam odiam
vellō sānctōre abdūcam domem abdūcam domem
4.Firelink Shrine
5.Iudex Gundyr
6.Vordt of the Boreal Valley
7.Curse-Rotted Greatwood
8.Crystal Sages
9.Deacons of the Deep
10.High Lord Wolnir
11.Pontiff Sulyvahn
12.Dancer of the Boreal Valley
13.Dragonslayer Armour
14.Old Demon King
15.Oceiros, the Consumed King
16.Ancient Wyvern
17.Nameless King
18.Abyss Watchers
19.Yhorm the Giant
20.Aldritch, Devourer of Gods
21.Lorian, Elder Prince | Lothric, Younger Prince
22.Soul of Cinder
23.Secret Betrayal
24.Sister Friede | Father Ariandel and Friede | Blackflame Friede
25.Champion's Graventender | Graventender Greatwolf
26.Demon from Below | Demon in Pain | Demon Prince
27.Halflight, Spear of the Church
28.Darkeater Midir
29.Slave Knight Gael
31.E3 2015 Debut Trailer
32.For the Dark Soul