Every now and then I wanna feel the escape
When the depression sets in and my spirit breaks
每当抑郁压在心头 失魂落魄之时
And I go out hunting demons and they make me beg
外出猎魔 总以失败告终
Got me pissing in the wind, down my own damn leg
我不得不求饶 任由他们摆布
If God wrote a book 'bout everything that he's done
I'd go searching for my name, now wouldn't every one?
我肯定会去搜寻我的姓名 每个人都这样想对吧?
And you can tell me point-blank that I'm a narcissist
直说吧 我就是个自恋狂
I'm just needing confirmation that I exist
Please don't read my mind
别 别试图看透我的心思
I'm so scared of what you'll find
I haven't left it all behind
So much hate 'cause of all the hurt
受过太多伤害 依旧充满愤恨
No idea what I'm really worth
I'm holding out for peace and air time
You have to understand that my intentions are good
你必须知道 我是出于好心的
And everything I do I do for love
我所做的一切 都是为了爱啊
I got two little souls and I love them, man
我有两个宝贝 他们是我的挚爱
That I'm trying to lead to the promised land
我也正尽力地 领他们走向光明之地
We take ego trips out to the country side
Got a big old house where we reside
And there's a big old boy with a big old gun
Stays up all night in case the weirdos come
彻夜不眠 只为防狼
I had a job but I resigned
找到一个工作 但我又辞了职
Then I had a change of mind
I will again if I'm inclined
Another moan from a millionaire
I don't know why I'm telling you 'cause you don't care
反正你也不在乎 我不知道我为什么要告诉你
I'm holding out for peace and air time
为了宁静与生活 我仍在抗争
I'm a little bit older but not wiser still
虽然年长 但睿智依旧
I was smoking *********, taking sleeping pills
吸着** 靠安眠药度日
But I get up in the morning, take the kids to school
但黎明时分 我依旧起床送孩子上学
And my other indiscretions are so miniscule
而我其他的轻率举止 就微不足道了
And I really pray to God it stays that way
我向上帝祈祷 希望一切不要改变
'Cause deep inside I think I'm still hurting
因为内心深处 我仍然感到痛苦
When you take your chances and you ride your luck
当你以身试险 就全靠命运女神
All you're really saying is 'I could **** this up'
而你心里想的是 “我又要搞砸了”
You have to understand that my intentions are good
你必须理解 我是出于好心的
And everything I do I do for love
我所做的一切 都是为了爱啊
I made a ton of mistakes, it's either fight or flight
我犯过无数错误 经历那些“站或逃”的选择
But every now and then
I kinda get it right
(He kinda gets it right)
I kinda get it right
(He kinda gets it right)
1.Heavy Entertainment Show
2.Party Like a Russian
3.Mixed Signals
4.Love My Life
6.Bruce Lee
8.David's Song
9.Pretty Woman
10.Hotel Crazy
12.When You Know
13.Time On Earth
14.I Don't Want to Hurt You
15.Best Intentions
16.Marry Me