With this fall (I fall…) great grey clouds covered the sky
Dimming the light of sun, muting stars and crescent moon
Lost inside the world of gloomy, haunting shades
Descending into this abyss of human soul
In this dreariest of nights
Time can draw out like a blade
And yet her grace shines through
Through me, and the brooding clouds
And if her light never falls on me
I'm content just to feel the lack
And this fall set requiem for my way
Away from other’s paths, I turned to desolation
Away from other’s thoughts, timid and surpassing
Away from the others, beyond caring
In this darkest of hours
Time draws out like a knife
And yet her grace shines through
Through me, and the brooding clouds
And if her light never falls on me
I’m content just to feel the lack
The reflection once whole, now only a wound
Seeping hurt and loss
The image once so bold, now only a scar
Dry of hope and light
For all things ought to say, left unsaid
For all deeds ought to do, left undone
For all things ought to say, left unsaid
For all deeds ought to do, left undone
Be with me now
1.Mortal Share
2.In the Groves of Death
3.Journey Unkown
4.The Harrowing Years
5.Drawn to Black
6.Shades of Deep Green
7.Dying Chant
8.Ill-Starred Son
9.Black Waters
10.The Bitter End
11.Last Statement
12.Weighed Down with Sorrow
15.The Gale
16.The Elder
17.The Moment Of Reckoning
18.In the Halls of Awaiting
19.Song of the Storm
20.The Day It All Came Down
21.Daughter Of The Moon
23.Death Walked the Earth
26.Closing Words
27.Song Of the Forlorn Son
28.Change of Heart
29.The Killjoy
30.At the Gates of Sleep
31.Devoid of Caring
33.Down With The Sun
34.Where The Last Wave Broke
35.Against The Stream
36.Lay of the Autumn
37.Into The Woods