2000 'The Goat New Era'

编曲 : DME
2000 The Goat New Era
im the freshest我是最炫酷的
defyin me you ll burn to ashes挑战我你是在自寻苦吃
boy you havent learn.your.lessons小伙子看来你还是没有接受教训
talkin.behind my back在我背后叽叽喳喳
whats the question有啥好讨论的
you lamest producers你们这群乌合之众
lack of blessings都不受庇护
dressin expensive but still look like peasants穿着花里胡哨但看起来还是龙鸣
poor little guys stop lookin for the presence小家伙们就不要到处找存在感了
the only.god is.here let me send you some真正的神在这里现在让我给你一些指令
message cuz you keep on showin nothing just being jealous of me因为你一直展现的不是能量而是嫉妒
you losers state of mind never change你们这种失败者的心态永远不会变了
what a shame真可惜
im not holdin the mic im holding the flame我手里握着的不是麦克风 是火焰
spittin the truth and saliva then rain em all in your face嘴里吐出真相 让你听好
im the real fighter ,the tiger我是真的勇士 猛兽
so its wiser for u not to mess up with your highness所以劝你聪明点 不要和我开玩笑
now see whos the finest看看谁更厉害
three days i can sell out all my beat pack三天我就可以卖光我的beat包
so why do i need to pay attention to these cats所以我没有必要再去关注这群小猫
never show the real me从来不会展现真正的自我
so let em just keep guessing让他们猜去吧
ill be dreamin in my bed while you suckers in sleep bag我在床上睡着大觉 你们挤在睡袋里
Pay attention to what you gon' do注意力放在你要做的事
We may fail but we never ever lose, so just我们也许会失利,但从未失败
Stick up for what you holding onto守住你心中所坚持的
What you think it's just a daydream, I make it come true, let's go我把别人眼中的白日梦变成现实
We fight for the fam, for the dough我们为家庭而奋斗,为生存而奋斗
Fight for the target you'll never know为你想象不到的目标奋斗
Cause we rowing against the current, instead of let it flow因为我们选择逆流而上,而非随波逐流
So I'll keep on rolling till I be the GOAT我会一直奋斗,直到成为最强
God damn, god damn, now who's a back again看看谁回来了
See I'm about to take those medals engraved with my name拿走属于我的奖牌
I'm rising again, fame is just the cherry top icing我正再次崛起,名声只是锦上添花的东西
If you still wanna **** with us, better bring a new price again若你还想找我们合作,得开更高价钱
But money won't, buy my respect,但再多钱也买不来我的尊重
Yeah I do some featuring but only just for my man我只给自己人合作
I'm holding a pen, they scared like I'm holding a G人们看到我的笔,吓得像看到了武器
Didn't mean to take life, I'm just do it for fun我只是普攻,就以为我开大了
Hatreds come, hatreds go,仇恨来了又走
The world is cold, but I don't need you make us know世界是冰冷的,不用你来教我
Too many people can't sleep, need to take some pills太多人要吃药才能入睡
They all lust for the power,lust for the bill因为他们渴望着权力与财富
While I'm staying up making my music但我熬夜只为做音乐
Even I'm awake, I feel like living in a dreamville即便我醒着,感觉也像活在梦里
Even I'm not the one that was chosen, don't know how they feel,即便我不生来富有,不懂他们感受
My paths are making me golden, just keeping it real我的努力也会成就我,只要我保持真实
they say the more reputation他们说名气越大
the more it comes hatred带来的恨就越多
cuz.they never wanna witness that you made it因为他们不想见证你的成功
but what bout one day you see my face in television但假如有一天你在电视上看到我的脸
switch channels but you cant escape then怎么换台都没用
adjust your mind.in case your nerves break赶紧调整你的心态 免得神经崩溃
got plenty of.dope.now everyday feels like my birthday我的狠货一堆 每天都像过生日
but seriously your envious petty.thinkin mind will do you no good但说真的 你们这些嫉妒心态真的没好处
hardworkpaidoff now look勤能补拙 听着
you should concentrate on writin your own book你们应该写好自己的人生之书
of your life instead of always plottin on而不是一直密谋
someones downfall让谁倒霉
see my.testin.stone 看看我的试金石
what doenst kill.me.makes me stronger所以杀不死我的都让我更强
you tryna be waving like a storm你想要引发波浪
but ill be like thunder但我可是万钧雷霆
i came i saw and i conquer我来,我看,我征服
now.bow.down to the ryhming monster现在给押韵怪物跪下
you havent seen a man being a rapper你从没结果一个人可以同时是歌手作词人
mixing engineer and a producer混音师 制作人
so youd better move out of my way所以赶紧往后稍稍
i dont even treat u like.a rival我根本不把你当对手
the only.song in your page is a dumb cypher你主页只有一首歌 还是个cypher
so.how do you compete we not on the same level所以咱咋对抗啊 都不在一个层次
you see even when im that dope.i.still keep my humble你看我那么厉害了,依然谦虚管好我的嘴巴
make my way through all my.problems因为我一路走来不容易
what you know bout me when i hit my.rock bottom当我在低谷的时候 你们在哪儿
now i got it over现在我好了
time.to.shine like da gold是时候闪耀了
thanks for the people pavin the road也感谢那些为我铺路的人
but.now stop debatin no mo但就别争论了
you know.who ll.be the.goat.你知道谁是最强的
thats me 我
Pay attention to what you gon' do注意力放在你要做的事
We may fail but we never ever lose, so just我们也许会失利,但从未失败
Stick up for what you holding onto守住你心中所坚持的
What you think it's just a daydream, I make it come true, let's go我把别人眼中的白日梦变成现实
We fight for the fam, for the dough我们为家庭而奋斗,为生存而奋斗
Fight for the target you'll never know为你想象不到的目标奋斗
Cause we rowing against the current, instead of let it flow因为我们选择逆流而上,而非随波逐流
So I'll keep on rolling till I be the GOAT我会一直奋斗,直到成为最强
1.Intro 'Listen Closely'
2.2018 'It Takes Me Three Years'
3.Life is Great
4.2021 'Til Infinity'
5.2020 '情伤'
6.Interlude 'Message You Need'
7.2000 'The Goat New Era'
8.1998 'Am I The God A Good Question'
9.2003 'Put Ego Aside'
10.1996 'Clock Tickin'
11.2016 '和七十五岁的我的对话'
12.1997 'Legacy'