2021 'Til Infinity'

编曲 : DME
2021 Till Infinity
lets start with the hiphop most respected the freshest need to be protected flow of the century
让我们先用这个世纪最新鲜 炫酷 需要被尊重和保护的珍惜flow开始这首歌
live my role like in my fantasy活出梦想的角色
thanks for the people who chose to abandon me
you offer the motivation感谢那些半途不看好放弃我的人,你们提供了我最需要的动力
to be a champion成为冠军的动力
i took my patience as my biggest weapon我的耐心就是我最好的武器
all da bches havent even known me那些还不知道我姓甚名谁的女孩
now you love my presence如今你们盼望着我的出现
heres my present 现在我出现了(带来一个礼物):
another dope song travelin from the center of the universe从宇宙中心带来的一首大作
im a handsome abuser我是个帅气的施虐者
beat on these rappers with no rhyme or future惩罚这些没有押韵也没有未来的说唱歌手
or no taste for music当然,也没有任何音乐鉴赏力
my brain the top processor我的大脑就是最高处理器
too,much knowledge the kids call,me professor拥有太多的知识,孩子们都称呼我为教授
you aint even see a better chinese rapper你肯定没见过一个更好的中国rapper
to be famous and rich is just a time matter名利双收,这只是时间问题
cuz, my ryhmes so tight so you follow my guide我的押韵是如此牛,以至于你们都得接受我的领导
to prove im great ive already proved it twice还要证明我的伟大吗?我已经证明了两次
no need to make conversations with these liars不需要再和这些说话不算话的人交流了
dressed in ridiculous 穿得花里胡哨
like i don't see what the big deal is好像我不知道什么叫“潮”一样
act like hypocrites and claim you the realest行为举止如此虚伪,还说自己保持真实
im more,than,willing to be a killer for these maggots真的,我非常乐意铲除这些败类
but my time is precious但我的时间宝贵
i should learn my lessons我应该接受以前的教训
still being treated like a question but it doesnt 依然被视为一个问题,但没关系
matter fact now pass the mic to my cousin.现在让我的小兄弟接力
Grab the mic from my cousin DME(从我老表D哥那里接过麦)
Bring u kamikaze send u to six feet deep(给你们带来毁灭性打击 送你入土)
They gon weep unless I guess they need some wd to keep them calm and cold (他们快要哭了 除非我猜得给他们来点“营养品”刺激刺激 让他们保持冰冷)
They want nothing more(他们就这点追求了)
Danm treat them like common cold (对待他们就像处理普通感冒)
Let covid know when and where to summon souls of haters faker (通知新罐去招那些小人和伪君子的魂)
Not like us creator(他们不像我们这些创造者)
ask creator how we crushed lakers like crazy bull(问问造物主我们是如何像疯狂的公牛队击败湖人一样)
all the ladies know(所有女士都知道)
we gon nail the game kill the pain(我们会拿下这局游戏 铲除痛苦)
Like a painkiller cure the headache of fame chaser,(像止疼药一样治愈追名逐利者的头痛)
I'll be the next famous Taylor(tailor)(我会是下一个出名的霉霉/裁缝)
so famous got whole game tailored(大红大紫让整个圈子心悦诚服)
like this, got what I say? Dismiss!(就像这样 听清楚我说的话吗?解散!)
I’m like sniper never get my diss missed (我像一个狙击手 我的攻击不可能会打偏)
loyal to myself I won’t let b7 kiss(忠于自己 远离那些诱惑)
pass the mic to best kid like biscuits(把衣钵传给最棒的后生 像给他们饼干一样)
words like sword toward nerd absurdity (笔利于剑 针对荒诞不经的事物)
My flow swerving fast they can't never heard of me(我的说唱像跑车版加速 他们不可能没听说过我/不可能没听见我的轰鸣)
time and effort will be the harder currency (时间和努力会是更硬的通货)
round the globe my name expose (在全球发行 我的名字人尽皆知)
Can I get tamed?oh no sir (能驯服我吗?那肯定不行)
dont get closer b7 I won’t choose her (别再靠近我了 我不会选择她)
won't be the future I'll beat the future(不会成为未来 我将击败未来)
My mic got luck to have a wiser user (我的麦走了大运 能有我这么个明智的使用者)
That’s ME, plus D more than you can do (这就是我和D哥 已经超出你的能力范围)
We are rapping pandas that eat bamboo (我们是会说唱的熊猫 吃着竹子)
1.Intro 'Listen Closely'
2.2018 'It Takes Me Three Years'
3.Life is Great
4.2021 'Til Infinity'
5.2020 '情伤'
6.Interlude 'Message You Need'
7.2000 'The Goat New Era'
8.1998 'Am I The God A Good Question'
9.2003 'Put Ego Aside'
10.1996 'Clock Tickin'
11.2016 '和七十五岁的我的对话'
12.1997 'Legacy'