Margaret In Captivity

The Decemberists-margaret in captivity
I have snipped your wingspan
My precious captive swan
Here all clipped of (?)
Your spirit won't last long
Don't you lift a finger
Don't you snap and jaw
Limber limbs akimbo
Rest till rubbing raw
Oh my own true love! Oh my own true love!
Can you hear me, love? Can you hear me, love?
Don't hold out for rescue
None can hear your call
Till I have wrest and wrecked you
Behind these fortress walls
Oh my own true love! Oh my own true love!
Can you hear me, love? Can you hear me, love?
1.The Rake's Song
2.The Hazards Of Love 3 (Revenge!)
3.Won't Want For Love (Margaret In The Taiga)
4.A Bower Scene
5.The Wanting Comes In Waves / Repaid
6.The Queen's Approach
7.Isn't It A Lovely Night?
8.The Hazards Of Love 2 (Wager All)
9.The Hazards Of Love 1 (The Prettiest Whistles Won't Wrestle The Thistles Undone)
11.The Abduction Of Margaret
12.An Interlude
13.The Queen's Rebuke / The Crossing
14.Annan Water
15.The Wanting Comes In Waves (Reprise)
16.Margaret In Captivity
17.The Hazards Of Love 4 (The Drowned)