The Abduction Of Margaret

The Decemberists-the abduction of margaret
and all the while whispering arbors
provide cover
what previous witnessed ardor
of our lovers
our ******* here falls prey to
her abductor
all a gallop with Margaret slung rude
cross withers
having clamped her innocent fingers
in fetters
this villain must calculate crossing
the ? river
1.The Rake's Song
2.The Hazards Of Love 3 (Revenge!)
3.Won't Want For Love (Margaret In The Taiga)
4.A Bower Scene
5.The Wanting Comes In Waves / Repaid
6.The Queen's Approach
7.Isn't It A Lovely Night?
8.The Hazards Of Love 2 (Wager All)
9.The Hazards Of Love 1 (The Prettiest Whistles Won't Wrestle The Thistles Undone)
11.The Abduction Of Margaret
12.An Interlude
13.The Queen's Rebuke / The Crossing
14.Annan Water
15.The Wanting Comes In Waves (Reprise)
16.Margaret In Captivity
17.The Hazards Of Love 4 (The Drowned)