The Decemberists-a bower scene
Thou unconsolable daughter
said the sister
when wilt thou trouble the water
in the cistern
and what irascible black bart
is the father
and when young Margaret's waistline
grew wider
the fruit of her amorous centaur
inside her
And so our ******* withdraws
to the Taiga
1.The Rake's Song
2.The Hazards Of Love 3 (Revenge!)
3.Won't Want For Love (Margaret In The Taiga)
4.A Bower Scene
5.The Wanting Comes In Waves / Repaid
6.The Queen's Approach
7.Isn't It A Lovely Night?
8.The Hazards Of Love 2 (Wager All)
9.The Hazards Of Love 1 (The Prettiest Whistles Won't Wrestle The Thistles Undone)
11.The Abduction Of Margaret
12.An Interlude
13.The Queen's Rebuke / The Crossing
14.Annan Water
15.The Wanting Comes In Waves (Reprise)
16.Margaret In Captivity
17.The Hazards Of Love 4 (The Drowned)