It was always me versus the world
总是只有我一人 对抗着这世界
Until I found it's me versus me
Why why why why
为什么 为什么 为什么 为什么
Why why why why
为什么 为什么 为什么 为什么
Just remember what happens on earth stays on earth
只需记住 你永远带不走不属于你的东西
We gon' put it in reverse
Darling I told you many times and I am telling you once again
亲爱的 我跟你说过很多次 我要再次告诉你
Just to remind you sweetheart that my
只为提醒你 你是我的甜心宝贝
Oh Lamar hail Mary a marijuana times is hard
拉马尔 保持虔诚之心实属不易
Pray with the hooligans shadows all in the dark
和那些恶棍流氓一起祈祷 让一切危险留在黑暗之中
Fellowship with demons and relatives I'm a star
与魔鬼共舞 我就是超级巨星
God is one funny mothafucka
A true comedian you gotta love him you gotta trust him
一个真正的滑稽人物 但你必须去爱他 信任他
I might be buggin' infomercials and no sleep
我饱受失眠之苦 电视里的节目无聊透顶
Introverted by my thoughts
Children listen it gets deep
小子 听着 夜幕已经降临
See once upon a time inside the Nickerson Garden projects
回想从前 在尼克森花园举行的那些活动
The object was to process and digest poverty's dialect
Adaptation inevitable gun violence crack spot
生活在枪林弹雨之中 你必须学会适应
Federal policies raid buildings and drug professionals
Anthony was the oldest of seven well respected calm and collected
就像安东尼作为长者 备受尊重 泰然自若
Laughin' and joking made life easier
Hard times momma on crack a four year old telling his nanny he needed her
艰难的生活会让人濒临崩溃 一个四岁的男孩告诉他的保姆 他需要她
His family history pimpin' and bangin' he was meant to be dangerous
他生活在暴力犯罪的家庭中 那就意味着他也会变成危险人物
Clocked him a grip and start slangin'
随着时间推移 他也会走上犯罪道路
Fifteen scrapin' up his jeans with quarter pieces
Even got some head from a smoker last weekend
甚至在上周 他还做成了一笔毒品交易
Dodged a policeman workin' for his big homie
Small time hustler graduated to a brick on him
从一点一滴做起 他的毒品交易越做越大
Ten thousand dollars out of a project housing
That's on the daily seen his first mil twenty years old
这就是他的日常状态 他在20岁一鸣惊人
Had a couple of babies
Had a couple of shooters caught a murder case
拥有无数杀手 引发了一场血案
Fingerprints on the gun
They assumin' but witnesses couldn't prove it
但目击者无法证明 他们逍遥法外
That was back when he turned his back and they killed his cousin
在他转身之间 他们就杀了他的表弟
He beat the case and went back to hustlin'
他卷入官司之中 又开始四处奔波
Bird shufflin' Anthony rang
The first in the projects with the two tone mustang
做成第一笔交易 我买了一辆野马汽车
That 5.0 thing
They say 5-0 came circlin' parkin' lots and parking spots
And hoppin' out while harrasing the corner blocks
Crooked cops told Anthony he should kick it
He brushed them off and walked back to the kentucky fried chicken
他拒绝了他们 走回肯德基
See at this chicken spot there was a light skinned nigga that talked a lot
With a curly top and a gap in his teeth
他顶着一头卷发 牙齿有个缺口
He worked the window his name was Ducky
他在取餐窗口工作 他的名字叫做Ducky
He came from the streets the robert taylor homes
他在街头长大 那里是罗伯特泰勒的故乡
Southside projects chiraq the terror dome
Drove to California with a woman on him and 500 dollars
身上带着500美元 和一个女人驱车前往加利福尼亚
They had a son hoping that he'd see college
他们有了一个孩子 他们希望孩子可以考上大学
Hustlin' on the side with a nine to five to freak it
Cadillac seville he'd ride his son around on weekends
买上一辆凯迪拉克 在周末和儿子外出兜风玩耍
Three piece special with his name on the shirt pocket
'Cross the street from the projects Anthony planned to rob it
整日在大街上来回游荡 安东尼计划着来一场抢劫
Stuck up the place before back in '84
在回到84年的生活以前 在这个城市引发一场骚乱
That's when affiliation was really eight gears of war
So many relatives telling us selling us devilish works
很多亲戚朋友都告诉我们 让他们加入毒品交易
Killing us crime intelligent felonious prevalent proposition with nines
他们头脑聪明 威胁我们加入犯罪活动 不然会让我们一命呜呼
Ducky was well aware they robbed the manager and shot a customer last year
很清楚去年他们抢劫了经理 杀了一个顾客
He figured he'd get on these niggas good sides
Free chicken every time Anthony posted in line
Two extra biscuits Anthony liked him and then let him slide
还有两块饼干 安东尼喜欢他 所以让他悄悄离开
They didn't kill him in fact it look like they're the last to survive
实际上 他们没有将他杀死 他们就是最后的幸存者
Pay attention that one decision changed both of they lives
注意 这个决定改变了他们的生活
One curse at a time
Reverse the manifest and good karma and I'll tell you why
但命运从此颠覆 功成名就 我会告诉你缘由
You take two strangers and put 'em in random predicaments
Give 'em a soul so they can make their own choices and live with it
你给了他们灵魂 所以 他们可以做出决定 活出精彩
Twenty years later them same strangers you make 'em meet again
二十年之后 你与他们再次相遇
Inside recording studios where they reaping their benefits
在录音室里 他们正在录着自己的专辑
Then you start reminding 'bout that chicken incident
Whoever thought the greatest rapper would be from coincidence
Because if Anthony killed Ducky top dawg could be servin' life
因为如果安东尼杀死Ducky 他的生活就会结束
While I grew up without a father and die in a gun fight
没有父亲的陪伴 我的成长会伴随腥风血雨 最后在枪林弹雨中死去
So I was taking a walk the other day