Even if I don't stay
Everything will be okay
Everything will be okay
Everything will be okay(Okay, okay)
一切都会好起来的 (好起来的 好起来的)
Contemplating just who I could've turned out to be
我在想 我到底变成了一个什么样的人
If I stayed there with her, what would amount to me?
如果当初为了她留下来 现在的我会是什么样
If I looked and ain’t found what I have founded me?
如果我尝试了却一无所得 我到底给自己确立了什么
I mean, it’s hard, but they loved me, never looked down on me
我是说 生活的确很艰难 但我有爱我的人 他们从来没有瞧不起我
They say, "You know if you loved her
Well then you would have stayed
You could have made a perfect pair that people wouldn't trade"
Trade for nothing, I did though, I had to chase it
什么都换不走 然而我的确放弃了这本该美妙的生活 我必须去追求我心中所爱
Face it, I wasn’t born to live a life basic
面对这事实吧 我不是能过安稳生活的人
They say, "you turned your back on us just to go and be an artist
What's a promise anyway when someone breaks it?
I bet he finally gets a shot and then he wastes it
I bet he don’t come back for us when he makes it
And if he do it be too late, you gotta face it
就算他回来了 那也为时太晚了 要面对现实
Cause by then there's someone new you've been replaced with"
Old friends I grew up with, the girl I fell in love with
和我一起长大的小伙伴们 还有那个我曾爱过的姑娘
Love or hate me depending on how you judge it
你们会爱我还是恨我 都取决于你们如何看我
Even if I don't stay
Everything will be okay
Everything will be okay(I promise it'll be okay)
一切都会好起来的 (我保证)
Everything will be okay(Okay, okay)
一切都会好起来的 (好起来的 好起来的)
I had to wander, I had to go tread my own path
If you don't step through no mud well then it won't last
The years pass it's crazy how they go fast
时光逝去 时间怎么过的这么快
Ask myself questions that you have but you won't ask
问我自己你们可能会问我的问题 可我知道你们不会问出口
Like, "you don’t even come home enough
Where were you when she was in the hospital, huh?
It was only us," and that’s deep and yeah I know it cuts
“她的身边只有我们” 这是一个我无法回答的问题 它也使我痛苦万分
But if it gets you, then you’re weak
但是如果你被愧疚击溃 你的内心还不够强壮
Because we were here and it ain’t broken us
Still as close and stayed by her side when no one was
像过去一样的亲密 在所有人都离她而去的时候守在她身旁
Like when she lost her job and everything, how broke we was
还有在她丢掉工作和一切的时候 我们是多么窘迫
When she was sick and she needed some taking care of
A fifteen year old shouldered the weight
And when he was scared of
The worst, I know that you stayed strong
Don’t say this enough
But you made me just as proud as you made Mom
Yeah, you got some anger but I don’t blame you at all
是的 你对我有点埋怨 但是这不怪你
I know I don't call, but you're my brother, I love you
我知道我不打电话给你 但是你是我的弟弟 我爱你
Even if I don’t stay
Everything will be okay
Everything will be okay(I promise it’ll be okay)
一切都会好起来的 (我保证)
Everything will be okay(Okay, okay)
一切都会好起来的 (好起来的 好起来的)
In that first grade class they came and got me
一年级的时候 他们走进教室找到我
"Your mom's outside, say goodbye now to everybody"
“你妈妈在外面等你 跟大家说再见吧”
U-Haul was waiting with all of her things
At least what she could pack
In the time my dad's at work and before he came back
那时父亲还在上班 在他回来之前
Way to young to comprehend what was happening
"Are we going to grandma's? When are we coming back again?"
Little did I know that we were leaving him by himself
And ten years would pass before Mom sees anybody else
Just us, in middle school I ain't understand
那时只有我们 我还在上中学 我也不明白
Who Melissa was and why she wasn't another man
Biased and confused they try to explain but nobody can
万分疑惑又充满偏见 他们试图向我解释 可是没人能解释清楚
Wanted what I thought was normal, she had another plan
我只想要一个我认为正常的生活 可是她不是这么想的
Such is life, even if it took time for me to accept it
这就是生活 哪怕我得花上一阵子去接受这样的生活
No longer Dad now, but a woman with whom she slept with
我们的生活里再也没有父亲了 只有她和另一个女人
Or for the years when a secret was how she kept it
I ain't get it, admittedly I was skeptic
我真的不懂 我承认我当时对她的生活很怀疑
I came around, happiness I see's what you may have found
可是后来我明白了 在我看来幸福是生活中你可能发现的东西
And that's what's most important
I don’t wanna see you breaking down
I wanna see you smile, I don't wanna see you make a frown
我希望看到你的笑容 我不想看到你不开心
If she loves you, then that's all anybody needs maybe now
如果她爱你 那对于任何一个人来说就足够了
By '05 things had gotten worse
Moved to the basement, deep depressions a rotten curse
我们搬到了地下室 深度抑郁就像一个甩不掉的诅咒
Hiding in a dark space, her mind and her body hurts
她躲在黑暗的角落 她的身体和她的心都很痛
Becoming more reclusive and the pills should have been alerts
她变得更加孤僻 还有她吃得那些药 本都应该引起我们的警觉的
So the worse it got, I became more and more afraid
情况越来越差 我越来越害怕
Until one night, I went into that room, on the floor she laid
直到有一天晚上 我走进她的房间看见她躺在地上
I shook her she was blue, her skin was cold, she wasn't breathing
我摇她 她的身体变冷 颜色发青 已经没有了呼吸
Screamed, "Melissa wake up" couldn't fathom that she was leaving
我大叫 “Melissa快醒醒” 我还不知道她已经离开了
Mom and Bro was running down, I screamed "somebody help"
妈妈和弟弟跑过来 我喊着“来人啊救命啊”
Try pumping her chest, CPR, but it didn’t help
我按压她的胸口 给她作CPR 但是这些都没有效果
Toughest pill to swallow, but we lost, that’s forced reflection
这是最让我们悲痛的事情 但是我们失去了她 我们不得不反思
While in her life you made her happy, thank you for the blessing
在她短暂的生命中 你曾使她快乐 谢谢你
Even if I don’t stay
Everything will be okay(It’ll be, it’ll be okay)
一切都会变好的 (会变好的)
Everything will be okay(I promise it’ll be okay)
一切都会好起来的 (我保证)
Everything will be okay(Okay, okay)
一切都会好起来的 (会好的)
by og