This ay nicht, this ay nicht
Every nicht and all
Fire and sleet and candleleigt
And Christ receive thy soul
If ever thou gavest hosen or schon
Every nicht and all
The winnes shall prick thee to the bare bane
And Christ receive thy soul
If ever thou gavest hosen or schon
Every nicht and all
Then sit ye down and put them on
And Christ receive thy soul
When thou from hence away do fall
Every nicht and all
To Brig a' Dread thou comest at last
And Christ receive thy soul
1.Salva Nos
3.Salve Virgo Virginum
4.Ah! Si Mon Moine
5.Adam Lay Ibounden
6.Foweles in the Frith
7.So Treiben Wir Den Winter Aus
8.Veni Veni
9.Now Springes the Spray
10.The Coventry Carol
11.Lo, Here My Heart
12.Binnorie O Binnorie
13.This Ay Nicht
14.An Adult Lullaby
15.Verbum Caro
16.Miri It Is