A stopwatch and an ordnance map.
At five a man fell to the ground
And the watch flew off his wrist
Like a moon struck from the earth
Marking a blank time that stares
On the tides of change beneath.
All under the olive trees.
A stopwatch and an ordnance map.
He stayed faithfully in that place
From his living comrade split
By dividers of the bullet
Opening wide the distances
Of his final loneliness.
All under the olive trees.
A stopwatch and an ordnance map.
And the bones are fixed at five
Under the moon's timelessness;
But another who lives on
Wears within his heart forever
Space split open by the bullet.
All under the olive trees.
1.温雨川-微观世界Ⅰ 螳螂
2.温雨川-微观世界Ⅱ 蜉蝣
3.温雨川-微观世界Ⅲ 蜻蜓与豆娘
4.温雨川-微观世界Ⅳ 白蚁
5.A Stopwatch and an Ordnance Map
6.郑河-冬雪四首Ⅰ 咏雪
7.郑河-冬雪四首Ⅱ 踏莎行·雪似梅花
8.郑河-冬雪四首Ⅲ 昼夜乐·冬
9.郑河-冬雪四首Ⅳ 雪人
10.潘行紫旻-三个终极问题Ⅰ 我是谁
11.潘行紫旻-三个终极问题Ⅱ 我从哪里来
12.潘行紫旻-三个终极问题Ⅲ 我要到哪里去
13.张士超-浮生六记Ⅰ-Ⅱ 吃粥&园林
14.张士超-浮生六记Ⅲ 离别
15.张士超-浮生六记Ⅳ 山水