The Damselfly and the Dragonfly
The damselfly is like a dragonfly
except it has a slimmer body and two separate eyes.
It spends most of its life underwater as a nymph.
Then flies here and there to seek its wifes.
1.温雨川-微观世界Ⅰ 螳螂
2.温雨川-微观世界Ⅱ 蜉蝣
3.温雨川-微观世界Ⅲ 蜻蜓与豆娘
4.温雨川-微观世界Ⅳ 白蚁
5.A Stopwatch and an Ordnance Map
6.郑河-冬雪四首Ⅰ 咏雪
7.郑河-冬雪四首Ⅱ 踏莎行·雪似梅花
8.郑河-冬雪四首Ⅲ 昼夜乐·冬
9.郑河-冬雪四首Ⅳ 雪人
10.潘行紫旻-三个终极问题Ⅰ 我是谁
11.潘行紫旻-三个终极问题Ⅱ 我从哪里来
12.潘行紫旻-三个终极问题Ⅲ 我要到哪里去
13.张士超-浮生六记Ⅰ-Ⅱ 吃粥&园林
14.张士超-浮生六记Ⅲ 离别
15.张士超-浮生六记Ⅳ 山水