Jack The Ripper

Dear boss, I keep on hearing
that the police have caught me
but they won't fix me just yet
I have laughed
when they looked so clever
and talk about being
on the right track
That joke about leather apron
gave me real fits
I am down on whores
and I shan't quit ripping them
till I do get buckled
grand work the last job was
I have the lady no time to squeal
And I want to start again
you will soon learn of me
with my funny little games
I saved some of the proper red stuff
in a ginger beer bottle over the last job
To write with but it went thick
like glue
and I can't use it
Red ink is fit enough I hope
ha ha
the next job I do
I shall clip the ladies ears off
and send them to police officers
just for jolly
Wouldn't you?
Keep this letter back
till I do a bit more work
then give it out straight
my knives so nice and sharp
I want to get back to work right away
if I get a chance
Good luck!
Yours truly,
Jack the Ripper
Don't mind me given the trade name
1.Acid Bath Vampire
2.You're Dying To Be With Me
3.The Hillside Stranglers
4.Fatal Foot Fetish
5.Dorthea's Dead Folks Home
7.The Iceman
8.Werewolf Or Bedburg
9.Morbid Minister
10.The Wüstenfeld Man Eater
11.Diary Of Torture
12.Jack The Ripper
13.Fritz Haarman Der Metzger