Diary Of Torture

When you wake in pain at 8amto my metal bed you are tiedyou struggle so
I take my index fingerand jab it several times into your eyea cotton tip swab dipped in drain cleanerpokes your eyes again and again
I climb on your chest with an iron barand repeatedly batter your hands
Robert Berdellawould torture young fellowsuntil they were skin and bonesand when they were deadthe garbage manwould take them away from his home
Robert Berdellawould torture young fellasuntil they were dead and coldthen throw them out in gerbage bagsto get them away from his home
My fist has ripped your anal wallso penicillin
I prescribeto keep you alive and subject youto much more torture before you diewith a home-made ballast plugged in the wall7000 volts
I applywith battery cables clambed on to your scrotumyour testicles
I will fry
1.Acid Bath Vampire
2.You're Dying To Be With Me
3.The Hillside Stranglers
4.Fatal Foot Fetish
5.Dorthea's Dead Folks Home
7.The Iceman
8.Werewolf Or Bedburg
9.Morbid Minister
10.The Wüstenfeld Man Eater
11.Diary Of Torture
12.Jack The Ripper
13.Fritz Haarman Der Metzger