Rain falls from a dark-grey sky
I sense the falcon near
Across the nine worlds he flies
A silent voice my call
He seeks my soul
He sinks down to the underworld
And flies into my dream
He lifts me up while I sleep
And carries me away
I slip away
We fly over mountains
Over seas raging wild
I see trees shaken by the storm
And villages in peaceful dormancy
A shaman reaches out
To greet the one-eyed man
I see the past, the present and
The future melt to one timeless void
A mystic moor-land comes to sight
An unknown path ahead
Elves dancing around me
Could this not be an everlasting dream?
1.The Home That I Will Never See
2.Das Fest Der Wintersonne (Ein Weihnachtslieo)
3.Behold The Passionate Ways Of Nature
4.When The Trees Were Silenced
6.The Oath He Swore One Wintersday
7.When The Falcon Flies
8.Serenade Of The Last Wolf
9.Mother Of Times
10.A Tale Of Fate (Folksong Awaits)