Don't Go Into The Barn

Don't go into that barn, yea
I said: don't go into that barn, yea
Black cellophane sky at midnite
A big blue moon with three gold rings
I called Champion to the window
I pointed up above the trees
That's where I heard my name in a scream
Coming from the woods, out there
I let my dog run off the chain
I locked my door real good with a chair
Don't go[...]
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1.Dead And Lovely
2.Make It Rain
3.Green Grass
5.Top Of The Hill
6.How's It Gonna End
7.Hoist That Rag
8.Sins Of My Father
9.Shake It
10.Don't Go Into The Barn
11.Metropolitan Glide
12.Trampled Rose
13.Baby Gonna Leave Me
14.Clang Boom Steam
15.Day After Tomorrow
16.Chick A Boom (Hidden Track)