Sins Of My Father

God said don't give me your tin horn prayers
Don't buy roses off the street down there
Took it all and took the dirt road home
Dreamin' of Jenny with the light brown hair
Night is fallin' like a bloody axe
Lies and rumours and the wind at my back
Hand on the wheel, gravel on the road
Will the pawn shop sell me back
What I sold
I'm gonna take the sins of my father
I'm gonna take the sins of my mother
I'm gonna take the sins of my brother[...]
Unfortunately, we are not licensed to display the full lyrics for this song at the moment. Hopefully we will be able to in the future. Until then, how about a
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1.Dead And Lovely
2.Make It Rain
3.Green Grass
5.Top Of The Hill
6.How's It Gonna End
7.Hoist That Rag
8.Sins Of My Father
9.Shake It
10.Don't Go Into The Barn
11.Metropolitan Glide
12.Trampled Rose
13.Baby Gonna Leave Me
14.Clang Boom Steam
15.Day After Tomorrow
16.Chick A Boom (Hidden Track)