Where are we?
我们 在哪?
What the hell is going on?
该死的 发生什么了?
The dust has only just begun to fall
好像尘埃 刚刚 才开始落定
Crop circles in the carpet
Sinking feeling
沉没 知觉
Spin me round again and rub my eyes
旋转一圈又一圈 我揉了揉双眼
This can't be happening
这 怎么可能 会发生
When busy streets a mess with people
纷扰的街道 嘈杂的人群
Would stop to hold their heads heavy
在霎那静止 一颗颗脑袋 沉重低垂
Hide and seek
躲藏 寻觅
Trains and sewing machines
汽笛轰鸣 织机空响
All those years
一年年 一月月
They were here first
只有机器 恒久不变
Oily marks appear on walls
Where pleasure moments hung before the takeover
记录了 终结前 点滴 欢乐时光
The sweeping insensitivity of this still life
洗刷掉这一切 的愚钝 也总是生活
Hide and seek
一起来啊 来捉迷藏
Trains and sewing machines
汽笛轰鸣 织机空响
Oh you can catch me around here
哦 你在这之间能找到我
Blood and tears
血 与 泪
They were here first
一直存在 从未流干
Mm what d'ya say?
嗯 你说了什么?
That you only meant well, well of course you did
Mm what d'ya say?
嗯 你说了什么?
Mm this it's all for the best, of course it is
Mm what d'ya say?
嗯 你再说一遍?
Hmm that it's just what we need, you decided this?
嗯哼 我们需要这一切,当然了你决定的?
Mm what d'ya say?
嗯 你说了什么?
Hmm what did you say?
呵 我听不见你说什么?
Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth
勒索威胁恶毒字眼 从你嘴里脱口而出
Mid sweet talk newspaper word cut outs
恰到好处的甜言蜜语 也不过是复制粘贴报纸上的只言片语
Speak no feeling no I don't believe you
信口开河 不 我才不信你
You don't care a bit
You don't care a bit
Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth
勒索威胁恶毒字眼 从你嘴里脱口而出
Mid sweet talk newspaper word cut outs
恰到好处的甜言蜜语 却是报纸上的只言片语拼贴而成
Speak no feeling no I don't believe you
言而无信 不 我信你的鬼话
You don't care a bit
You don't care you
You don't care you
你怎么 会 在乎
You don't care a bit~
2.Goodnight and Go
3.Have You Got It in You?
4.Loose Ends
5.Hide and Seek
6.Clear the Area
7.Daylight Robbery
8.The Walk
9.Just for Now
10.I Am in Love with You
11.Closing In
12.The Moment I Said It
13.Headlock (Instrumental)
14.Goodnight and Go (Instrumental)
15.Have You Got It in You? (Instrumental)
16.Loose Ends (Instrumental)
18.Clear The Area (Instrumental)
19.Daylight Robbery (Instrumental)
20.The Walk (Instrumental)
21.Just For Now (Instrumental)
22.I Am in Love with You (Instrumental)
23.Closing In (Instrumental)
24.The Moment I Said It (Instrumental)