I like them black girls
I like them white girls
I like them asian girls
I like them mixed straight girls
I like them spanish girls
I like them italian girls
I like the french girls
And I like Scandanavian girls
I like them tall girls
I like them short girls
I like them brown haired girls
I like them blonde haired girls
I like them big girls
I like them skinny girls
I like them carrying a little bit of weight girls
Now Baby, (baby)
I've got a lot of love to give,
and I've been over,
oversubscribed with relationships.
See you've got, (you've got)
a little thing I haven't seen before,
but I most warn ya,
that I can't help but play around for sure,
for sure.
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
Now maybe, (maybe)
I can learn to settle down one day,
but right now,
I'm living life to mess around and play,
See you've got, (you've got)
a little thing I haven't seen before,
but I most warn ya,
that I can't help but play around for sure,
I did it before.
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I like them black girls
I like them white girls
I like them asian girls
I like them mixed straight girls
I like them spanish girls
I like them italian girls
I like the french girls
And I like Scandanavian girls
I like them tall girls
I like them short girls
I like them brown haired girls
I like them blonde haired girls
I like them big girls
I like them skinny girls
I like them carrying a little bit of weight girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
3.Love Song
5.Big Girls Dont Cry
6.With You
9.Dont You Wanna Feel
10.Get The Party Started
11.Aint Nobody (Original Mix)
12.Hey Ya
13.I Dont Do Surprises
14.White Flag
15.Like Only A Woman Can
16.I Say A Little Prayer
17.Stop Me
18.The Girls
19.I See You Baby
20.Bleeding Love
21.No One
22.Before He Cheats
24.Hook Me Up
25.Rock Your Body
26.Never Again
27.Gimme More
28.Aint No Other Man
30.Hips Don't Lie
31.Ready To Fly
32.Canned Heat
34.1 Thing
35.Im Outta Love
36.I Try
37.Pretty Woman