
Homeland, he's just a Peddler
口琴:朱敏俊 Zhu Minjun
他们嫌我弄脏了城市的路 They think I'm dirtying the city roads,
嫌我影响了交通 They think I'm blocking traffic.
是的我错了我该租间门面房 It's true I was wrong, I should rent a space
哪怕是一间位置偏僻的小屋 Even a small stall on a quiet street,
可是我很没有用 But that's no use to me.
我付不起那么贵的房租 The rent's too expensive
也交不起那一笔又一笔的费用 And I couldn't afford to pay it every month.
祖国啊,我只是个摆小摊的 Homeland, I'm just a small peddler
我的能力只是埋头干活 All I can do is try my best,
埋头干活 I'm up to my ears in work.
每天多少赚点儿我就高兴 I'm just happy to earn what I can,
我不抽烟也不喝酒 I don't smoke or drink.
挣点儿钱给孩子交学费让他读书 All my earnings go to pay my kid's school fees,
希望他的将来也是个大学生 I hope he'll be able to go to college.
要花钱的地方很多 There're so many things I'm saving for.
父母都年纪大了要看病 My parents are aging and need to see the doctor
说了很久了要给媳妇买件衣服 And I've been promising my wife some new clothes.
祖国啊,我只是个摆小摊的 Homeland, I'm just a small peddler
我是一家之主我要养家糊口 I'm the head of our family
养家糊口 I need to support them all.
吃那口饭不光荣 There's no glory eating those handouts.
戴大檐帽的这些道理他们不懂 Those in uniforms and big hats don't understand,
他们就喜欢开票罚钱把我驱赶 They just fine me and drive me away.
那天他们啊又来了 That day they came again,
我赶紧就跑还是慢了 I ran fast, but I was still too slow.
他们把我抓住还在我身上动了拳头 They caught me and beat me.
祖国啊,我只是个摆小摊的 Homeland, I'm just a small peddler
他们不该打我不该打我 They shouldn't hit me, shouldn't hit me
不该打啊 They shouldn't hit.
在路边摆摊算是犯罪了吗 Laying out my goods on the road, is that a crime?
他们为何这样对我 Why do they treat me this way?
在我心中大檐帽代表着祖国 In my heart, the big hats represent my motherland.
祖国我没有偷也没有抢我好冤枉 Homeland, I've never robbed anyone, it's not fair.
打就打吧痛了算了 Hit me if you must, I don't care if it hurts.
男人不哭把泪擦干 Men don't cry; we just wipe away our tears.
可是为什么还要砸烂我的小摊 Why did you have to destroy my cart?
祖国啊,不该砸烂我的小摊 Motherland, you shouldn't have knocked over my cart
还有我的葱花和鸡蛋 And my scallions and eggs
葱花和鸡蛋 My scallions and eggs
这是一个日益宽容的年代 In this day and age there's more tolerance
怎么还有这些悲哀 So how can there still be so much pain?
他们应该得到理解与关怀 They deserve our understanding and care.
城市不光是我们的 The city is not just ours,
城市也是他们的 The city is theirs as well.
这就像是中国 This is China,
是我们的祖国 This is our homeland.
祖国啊,他只是个摆小摊的 Motherland, he's just a small peddler
无论如何不该让一个男人 We should never make a man
失声痛哭 Burst into tears.
失声痛哭 Burst into tears.