口琴:朱敏俊 Zhu Minjun
儿时我是一个顽皮的孩子 I was a troublemaker as a boy,
奶奶在我眼里就像是上帝 but in my eyes Grandma was like God.
当我惹是生非遭人嫌弃 People disliked me, said I stirred up trouble
奶奶总说我没有错我是对的 but Grandma always stood by me.
在她保佑之下我长大了 As I grew up under her protection and care
奶奶一天天天天天天老去 she grew older day by day.
那时我不明白人生的规律 Back then I didn't know about life
深信奶奶会和我永远在一起 I thought grandma would be with me always.
后来我离开家乡去了远方 Later I left home for far away
奶奶给我写信说她很想我 Grandma wrote saying she missed me.
为了争口气让人们瞧得起 To earn a name for myself
我在他乡漂啊漂啊越走越远 I wandered farther and farther.
偶尔我会在夜里悄悄问自己 In the middle of the night I'd sometimes wonder
能否混个人样在她有生之年 If grandma would see me succeed in her lifetime.
叫我担心的事情发生了 But what I feared came to pass
可是我却没能回家看她最后一眼 and I wasn't able to return home to say a last goodbye.
奶奶我怀念你的短发洁白如雪 Grandma, I remember your short hair, as white as snow.
奶奶我怀念你的笑容像个小孩 Grandma, I remember your smile, like a child's.
奶奶谁还能做你那样好吃的菜 Grandma, who can cook delicious meals like you did?
奶奶如何才能习惯你的离开 Grandma, how can I get used to your absence?
奶奶花儿谢了花儿还会再开 Grandma, flowers fade but they bloom again.
奶奶这个世界你何时还会再来 Grandma, when will you return to this world?
奶奶只能在梦里和你相遇了 Grandma, we can only meet in my dreams.
奶奶我的名字叫刘健 Grandma, my name is Liu Jian,
在天堂你是否还会记得 Do you remember me in heaven?
我心中总有一盏灯 There's a light in my heart
在为奶奶亮着 That shines on for Grandma.
我心中总有一首歌 There's a song in my heart
为奶奶唱啊 That I sing for Grandma.
我心中总有一扇门 There's a door in my heart
在为奶奶开着 That's open for Grandma.
我心中总有一些话 And there are some words in my heart
没对她说 That I never got a chance to say:
奶奶你不用再为我担忧牵挂了 Grandma you don't have to worry about me now.
奶奶我的生活已是春暖花开 Grandma, my life is blossoming.
奶奶在那边你看见了吗? Grandma,what can you see from the other side?
奶奶迷雾已经散去 Grandma, now the fog has lifted
现在阳光灿烂 And the sun shines brightly.