So it's grey, well so are my favorite cities
它灰暗阴郁 正因如此 它是我最爱的城市
And we have, we have all the time in the world here
我们在大千世界的这个小角落渡过此生 漫长亦短暂
We'll just stay tucked in the shade and our eyes they can't be blinded
即使生活在狭窄破落的避所 眼里却依然泛着光
We'll just stay tucked in the shade
局促无光的环境 我也毫不畏惧
So it's grey, well so are my favorite cities
我爱这座城市 爱它的破旧昏暗
And the sky on such a memorable night
And we have, we have all the time in the world here
我们如同浩茫苍苍里的一粒尘埃 未知前路却活泼自在
That's a lie, that's a lie...
生活是破碎又美丽的谎言 不要被它欺骗
1.A Thousand Years
2.Seven Days
3.The New Year
4.How You Remember
5.We Exchanged Words
6.Rest Your Eyes
7.Raining In Athens
8.Your Weak Hands
9.While I'm Still Young
11.Favorite Cities
12.Trees Keep Growing