Raining In Athens

ll 尽管如此
I think of you,baby 我还是想起你,宝贝
And how I grew old with you then 那时我多么想和你白头偕老
And this summer,you'll call-maybe 这个夏天,你也许会打来电话
And act as if we were old friends 假装好像我们曾是老朋友
You'd say,'how are you,baby'你会问,“你好吗,宝贝”
I'd say,'it's raining in Athens'我会回答,“雅典正在下雨”
And to this day 直到今天
I nurse the fever 我都在自我疗伤
That spoiled my poor hear 那让我心乱如麻
And I've mastered the art of dealing 我已学会了艺术地处理
Slipping away without falling apart 在没有崩溃前默默离去
So when this summer,you call-maybe 所以这个夏天,你也许打来电话
And ask how I've been 问我一直以来怎样
I can be honest and answer plainly 我可以诚实坦然地回答你
'Since november,it's been raining'“十一月以来,天一直在下雨”
1.A Thousand Years
2.Seven Days
3.The New Year
4.How You Remember
5.We Exchanged Words
6.Rest Your Eyes
7.Raining In Athens
8.Your Weak Hands
9.While I'm Still Young
11.Favorite Cities
12.Trees Keep Growing