'Bout time we laid back and just let time just float on by
就让咱们放松向后靠 任时间尽情流逝
Nothing but the panorama and my baby by my side
周围除了我们空无一人 在这画幅之中
Girl, we got a good view, doing what we're made to
我们做自己喜欢的事 自是最美的风景
Yeah, listen to the wind blow, it goes
听听风的声音吧 它在你耳畔低吟
Ooh, ooh
Night-singing in the midnight moon
午夜月色之下 我对你轻轻唱起
Soundtrack to me and you
Silence and two hearts on fire
相视无言 静听心火燃烧之音
Look at the stars tonight
抬头望去 尽是繁星点点
In the sky, in your eyes
你眼中藏着的漫天星河 深邃迷人
You know what your love feels like
你明白自己的爱 会给我何种感觉
It feels like
它正如这无边画幅 广袤浩然
Laying back on a blanket, looking at a blanket way up high
一条毛毯席地而坐 远望天边积云出神
Between the darkness in the distance
就在远方的黑暗之中 在那薄雾层叠之处
And the way the whole thing shines
Makes you feel like you see God
Makes you feel like you're alive for the first time
Like you were my first time
Ooh, ooh
Night-singing in the midnight moon
午夜月色之下 我对你轻轻唱起
Soundtrack to me and you
Silence and two hearts on fire
相视无言 静听心火燃烧之音
Look at the stars tonight
抬头望去 尽是繁星点点
In the sky, in your eyes
你眼中藏着的漫天星河 深邃迷人
You know what your love feels like
你明白自己的爱 会给我何种感觉
It feels like (Ooh, ooh)
它正如这无边画幅 广袤浩然
It feels like (Ooh, ooh)
正如这无边画幅 广袤浩然
(Ooh, ooh)
(Ooh, ooh)
The way the world turns, baby
Don't it just seem crazy
That a boy and a girl could fall in love?
咱们本素不相识 却何以相爱
Think about how fast it goes
Think about how we don't know anything at all
Except it does
Ooh, ooh
Nights-singing in the midnight moon
午夜月色之下 我对你轻轻唱起
Soundtrack to me and you
Silence and two hearts on fire
相视无言 静听心火燃烧之音
Look at the stars tonight
抬头望去 尽是繁星点点
In the sky, in your eyes
你眼中藏着的漫天星河 深邃迷人
You know what your love feels like
你明白自己的爱 会给我何种感觉
It feels like (Ooh, ooh)
它正如这无边画幅 广袤浩然
It feels like (Ooh, ooh)
正如这无边画幅 广袤浩然
Don't it feel like (Ooh, ooh)
你带给我的感受 正是如此清晰
(Ooh, ooh)
'Bout time we laid back and just let time just float on by
就让咱们放松向后靠 任漫漫时间流逝依然
Nothing but the panorama, listen to the wind blow
周围寂静一片 画幅之中唯有微风轻抚耳畔
1.Mississippi to Me
3.I'll Be the Moon
4.Good as You Think I Am