Divided States of America (Live and Quarantined)

And I'm waiting for the rain to take the sun
我等待着一场雨 来带走头顶的骄阳
To make the walk to work less hot
让我上班的路上 可以不这么热
While my Ford needs repaired
而我的老福特 现在也需要送去修修了
While they order Chinese parts to make it run
And the motorcycle shop I work at
Is closing down this year
电视荧幕中 我被灌输着这个梦想
I was sold a dream on TV screens
毫无意义的派对 参加的都是些无用之人
By parties full of jerks
While an alien from somewhere else
Is going to take my work
周末孤独的夜晚 我精神也会崩溃
So I blow my mind on weekend nights
And pray it off in church
如今我们 已到达这番境地
Now here we are
1.Flyover State (Live and Quarantined)
2.6Ft Middle-Age American Man (Live and Quarantined)
3.**** It (I Don't Like Love) (Live and Quarantined)
4.Divided States of America (Live and Quarantined)
5.Out in the Open (Live and Quarantined)
6.Torn in the USA (Live and Quarantined)
7.Everything White (Live and Quarantined)
8.Pretty Crazy (Live and Quarantined)
9.You Gotta' Be Just Who You Are (Live and Quarantined)
10.Forgot to Say I Love You (Live and Quarantined)
11.Gridlock (Live and Quarantined)