制作人 : koz
夕阳西下时分 独自走回家已成习惯
It's second nature to walk home before the sun goes down
男孩出没周遭地点 请紧攥钥匙于指节
And put your keys between your knuckles when there's boys around
我们以微笑掩盖恐惧 难道不可笑吗
Isn't it funny how we laugh it off to hide our fear
When there's nothing funny here
病态直觉产生于他们的威吓下 以保我们遇事冷静
Sick intuition that they taught us so we won't freak out
我们暗地里竭尽全力 只为让他们闭嘴
We hide our figures doing anything to shut their mouths
我们一笑而过 舒缓紧张氛围 这样事情才不会更加糟糕
We smile away to ease the tension so it don't go south
But there's nothing funny now
我们何时才能不说违心话 因为他们都正侧耳倾听
When will we stop saying things cause they're all listening
不 这些孩子也不能安然无恙
No the kids ain't alright
Oh and they do what they see cos it's all on TV
不 这些孩子也不能安然无恙
Oh the kids ain't alright
男孩们将永远幼稚 无法长大
Boys will be boys will be boys will be boys will be boys
But girls will be women
男孩们将永远幼稚 无法长大
Boys will be boys will be boys will be boys will be boys
But girls will be women
我确信 倘若我顿时语塞 无法诉说心中所想
I'm sure if there's something that I can't find the words to say
我知道 这会儿定会有男人来接话
I know that there will be a man around to save the day
说男性说教 其实这是种讽刺
And that was sarcasm in case you needed it mansplained
I should have stuck to ballet
我们何时才能不说违心话 因为他们都正侧耳倾听
When will we stop saying things cause they're all listening
不 这些孩子也不能安然无恙
No the kids ain't alright
Oh and they do what they see cause it's all on TV
不 这些孩子也不能安然无恙
Oh the kids ain't alright
男孩们将永远幼稚 无法长大
Boys will be boys will be boys will be boys will be boys
But girls will be women
男孩们将永远幼稚 无法长大
Boys will be boys will be boys will be boys will be boys
But girls will be women
倘若这首歌有所冒犯你 那定是你做错了些事
If you're offended by this song you're clearly doing something wrong
倘若这首歌有所冒犯你 那你可能会说
If you're offended by this song then you're probably saying
男孩们将永远幼稚 无法长大
Boys will be boys will be boys will be boys will be boys
But girls will be women
我们何时才能不说违心话 因为他们都正侧耳倾听
When will we stop saying things cause they're all listening
不 这些孩子也不能安然无恙
No the kids ain't alright
Oh and they do what they see cause it's all on TV
不 这些孩子也不能安然无恙
No the kids ain't alright
男孩们将永远幼稚 无法长大
Boys will be boys will be boys will be boys will be boys
But girls will be women
男孩们将永远幼稚 无法长大
Boys will be boys will be boys will be boys will be boys
But girls will be women
钢琴 : Dan Bingham
中提琴 : Drew Jurecka
混音师 : Jay Reynolds
贝斯 : koz
人声录音 : Cameron Gower Poole
编程 : Lorna Blackwood
弦乐编写 : Drew Jurecka
附加制作 : Isabel Gracefield/Rupert Christie
人声制作 : Lorna Blackwood
母带工程师 : Chris Gehringer
和声 : Adrian Murphy/Colin Li/Daniel Sindall/George Rodber/Jack Meredith/Kathryn Maloney/Lucia Cohen/Maria CKTangonan/Nathaniel Buckley/Oliver Buckley/Ronnie Gould/Stagecoach Epsom Performing Arts Choir:/Todd Clark
人声 : Dua Lipa
1.Future Nostalgia
2.If It Ain’t Me
5.Levitating (feat. DaBaby)
6.Love Again
7.We're Good
8.That Kind Of Woman
9.Not My Problem (feat. JID)
10.Un Día (One Day)
12.Don't Start Now
13.Break My Heart
15.Good In Bed
16.Prisoner (feat. Dua Lipa)
18.Boys Will Be Boys
19.Pretty Please