You follow your feelings, you follow your dreams
你追随感觉 逐梦而行
You follow the leader into the trees
你跟着前人 来到一片树林
And what's in there waiting,
neither one of us knows
You gotta keep one eye open
the further you go
You never dreamed you'd go down on one knee,
你从未料想 有朝自己也会卑躬屈膝
but now
Who could have seen, you'd be so hard to please somehow
谁又曾知 你总不得满意 快乐如此不易
You feel like a poor boy, a long way from home
你感觉自己 是个孤苦的少年 背井离乡
You're just a poor boy, a long way from home
你不过是个 可怜的孩子 一路流浪
And it's wake up time Time to open up your eyes
该醒醒了 是时候睁开双眼了
And rise and shine
旭日已东升闪耀 你也该振作起来
You spend your life dreaming, running 'round in a trance
你用毕生梦想 奔波于迷惘中央
You hang out forever and still miss the dance
永远在游荡 却仍错失舞场
And if you get lucky, you might find someone
幸运的话 或许你会等到那个她
To help you get over the pain that will come
Yeah, you were so cool back in high school,
是啊 中学时代的你曾那么酷
what happened
You were so sure not to have your spirits dampened
你曾如此坚定 砥砺意志 永不气馁
But you're just a poor boy alone in this world
但现在的你 只是个孤苦的少年 孑然一身
You're just a poor boy alone in this world
你不过是个 伶仃的男孩 无所依傍
And it's wake up time Time to open up your eyes
该醒醒了 是时候睁开你的双眼了
And rise and shine
旭日已东升闪耀 你也该振作起来
Well, if he gets lucky, a boy finds a girl
若他走运 男孩会找到他的女孩
To help him to shoulder the pain in this world
And if you follow your feelings And you follow your dreams
倘若你追随着感觉 追随着梦
You might find the forest there in the trees
Yeah, you'll be alright, it's just gonna take time, but now
有人说 你不会有事的 成长只是需要时间 但如今呢
Who could have seen you'd be so hard to please somehow
谁曾料 你始终无法满意 快乐会如此艰辛
You're just a poor boy a long way from home
你只是个孤苦的少年啊 背井离乡 千里迢迢
You're just a poor boy a long way from home
你不过是个可怜的孩子 离家甚远 一路流浪
And it's wake up time
Time to open up your eyes
是时候睁开双眼 面对一切了
And rise and shine'
太阳已升起 你也要打起精神来
Cause it's wake up time
It's time to open up your eyes
And rise and shine
打起精神 振作起来
1.Hard On Me
3.You Don't Know How It Feels
4.It's Good To Be King
5.Cabin Down Below
6.Time To Move On
7.You Wreck Me
8.Only A Broken Heart
9.Honey Bee
10.A Higher Place
11.Wake Up Time
12.Don't Fade On Me
13.Crawling Back To You
14.To Find A Friend
15.House In The Woods