I Don't Want To Love You No More

I don't want to love you no more
我想 我不再爱你了
Please step away as I lock the door
你且回吧 我心门已关
Don't try to defend it this love has ended
再不愿接受事实 这段情都已经结束了
And I don't want to love you no more
我想 我已经不再爱你了
Out in the streets I have a nickle and dime
Been turned away 'most a thousand times
因为你 我心无旁骛
You were illegal saluting an eagle
其实 你也不过是芸芸众生中的一个
And out in the streets I had nickles and dimes
天涯何处无芳草 何必贪恋一枝花
When you catch up to the lies you have told
I'll be a stranger forgotten and old
When I have stumbled the keywords you fumbled
When you catch up to the lies you have told
There could not be a possible you
Out on the mountain seeing it through
登高望远 回顾来路
I have got the pain now seasons of rain how
雨季降临 冲刷我的痛楚
There could not be a possible you
And I don't want to love you no more
我想 我不再爱你了
Please step away as I lock the door
你且回吧 我心门已关
Don't try to defend it this love has ended
再不愿接受事实 这段情都已经结束了
And I don't want to love you no more
我想 我已经不再爱你了
And I don't want to love you no more
我想 我们缘尽于此了
1.Old Goodbyes
2.(I Am Done) Making Fun Of Myself
3.Song For Evangeline
4.Look What We've Become
7.Love Like A Drummer
8.I Don't Want To Love You No More