Trigger Warning (feat. Johnny Franck)

Trigger Warning (报触发器)()-Sunrise Skater Kids /Johnny Franck
Written by :Jarrod Alonge
Let's go
Hanging with my pals
No care in the world
We're making memories but
Then I see this girl
I ask her on a date
She tells me that sounds good
I'm gonna make her night
Cause I'm a classy dude
She said do you have what it takes to be a feminist
I said sure let me join you on your quest for social justice
In the sun I've never felt so happy
With my friends there's always joy around me
All good vibes no bad ones in the first place
Never ever gonna leave my safe space
Couple weeks go by
She's always super pissed
She doesn't think the same
As a normal feminist
I start to learn a lot
About all these new things
Men deserve to die because
Of the patriarchy
I said this sounds far-fetched but I guess I'll do as you say
She said scum how dare you doubt my logic in any way
I guess she's right
In the sun I've never felt so happy
With my friends there's always joy around me
All good vibes no bad ones in the first place
Never ever gonna leave my safe space
Walking down the street
I look right at this girl
She's pretty freaking hot
Let's make sure that she knows
What did you just say
I it was a whistle
Did you just oppressed my girlfriend right in front of me
Chillout it was j
You cisgendered hyper-privileged bigot
What are you doing
No stop please help me
This is the end for you
Rot in hell you kink-shaming classist
Choke on your words and throw yourself into a burning furnace
Perpetuation of the cis-head supremacy
You male-normative close-minded rapist
Go play in traffic
Look man take it easy
Man did you just assume my gender
Oh god please
Watch your micro-aggressions
I have been triggered blegh
Deluded chauvinistic misgendering middle-class
Binary-normative crosse-dresser stigmatizing homophobic
Thin-privileged rape-culture sympathizing hyper-masculine kyriarchist
Acknowledge the fox-kin
In conclusion I hope you'll die alone
What is this words mean
Alright where were we
In the sun I've never felt so happy
With my friends there's always joy around me
All good vibes no bad ones in the first place
Never ever gonna leave my safe space
1.Take It Easycore
2.First World Tragedy
3.Garage Door (feat. JB Brubaker)
4.Nothing Special (feat. Patty Walters)
5.All the Old Things (feat. Christina Rotondo)
6.The Catchy One
7.Pit Warrior (feat. Dave Stephens)
8.Trigger Warning (feat. Johnny Franck)
9.Rylo Ken
10.Pop Punk Pizza Party (feat. Dave Days)
12.Mother's Milk
13.Exposure Bank
14.Love Me Back (feat. Cody Carson)
15.Goodbye Baltimore (The Flute Song)
16.Rain on My Parade