He isn't much in the eyes of the world
He'll never make history
No, he isn't much in the eyes of the world
But he is the world to me
My dad, now here is a man
To me he is everything strong
No, he can't do wrong, my dad
My dad, now he understands
When I bring him troubles to share
Oh, he's always there, my dad
When I was small I felt ten feet tall
When I walked by his side
And everyone would say "That's his son"
And my heart would burst with pride
My dad, oh I love him so
And I only hope that some day
My own son will say
"My dad now here is a man"
1.26 Miles (Santa Catalina)
2.It's Not For Me To Say
3.Moon-Light Swim
4.Gotta Travel On
5.Leave Me Alone (Let Me Cry)
6.Bless You
8.My Lucky Love
9.My Dad
10.See You In September
11.Red Roses For A Blue Lady
12.My Own True Love
13.Just As Much As Ever
14.Graduation Day
15.Moonlight Serenade
16.Hey! Little Girl
18.Just Like In The Movies
20.(There Was A) Tall Oak Tree
21.As If I Didn't Know
22.Wishing For Your Love
23.City Of Angels
24.What Is Love?
25.In The Misty Moonlight
27.Tower Of Strength
28.The End