Stone Lions

At the dusty road's divide
We took the left fork for a mile, to reach a black cast iron gate.
And as the rusty hinges yawned,
Through the trees we saw the path into the old estate.
Stone lions alone
Can't keep us out
While eagles & crows are sleeping.
We followed the road open mouthed
We watched as the old place breathed its last.
Yellow diggers in a row
Cough back into life and stretch to gulp the dusty sunlight.
Through the rafters through the brick,
Chimneys fall and push the past out through the broken skylight.
Stone lions in rows, rising up
In driveways and private gardens.
Stone lions alone, guarding us from gargoyles and long lost pardons.
Stone eagles and crows flying off to new and forgotten places.
Stone lions alone staring out into our newborn faces.
Stone lions alone
Stone lions alone
Stone gods creep across
The terraces, keystones and backstreet places.
Dust, fossils, and mud
Perishes into our newborn faces.
1.A Mysterious Disappearance
3.From Towns and Fields
4.We Fold Ourselves
5.Stone Lions
8.Richardson Road
9.Blink In the Night (East Coker Version)
10.Cut Grass